Access via Windows Explorer
  • 04 Mar 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Access via Windows Explorer

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Article summary

This article applies to BOOST EMPOWER licenses

Windows 10

This section only applies to Windows 10 users. For earlier versions of Windows, please refer to the next section.

Beforehand it is necessary to create a webDAV account by following the instructions here.

  1. Copy and paste the URL into Windows Explorer
  2. Windows then asks you to log in. Use the data provided during the Create a WebDAV account
  3. For convenience, then pin WebDAV access to Windows Explorer Quick Access. To do this, right-click Quick Access and select Pin current folder to Quick Access.

Windows 8 / XP

To identify yourself using the WebDav protocol, it is necessary to create a network disk as expliqué ici.


The Project/Workspace structure is preserved in Cooperlink and is presented as follows:

    Projects Documents
        Folder A
        Folder B
    Workspace 1
        Virtual folder A
        Virtual folder B
Workspace 2

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