Create network drive to Cooperlink
  • 04 Mar 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create network drive to Cooperlink

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Article summary

This article applies to BOOST EMPOWER licenses

A network disk allows the user to access remote information such as on a local disk (e.g.C:).

This article applies only to Windows users.

Creating a Network Disk in Windows Explorer

  1. Go to Windows Explorer. In the tree view, right-click the This PC topic and select Map a network drive
  2. Select the Connect to a website option and copy the URL provided during the step Create a WebDAV account. Then use the credentials provided to identify yourself on the network drive.
  3. The network disk then appears in your computer's tree view (This PC topic)

Now you have access to your Cooperlink files from the defined drive (e.g. L: in the example above).

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