Customer assistance and support
  • 24 Nov 2023
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Customer assistance and support

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Article summary

Assistance with a new client

Cooperlink has developed a structured process to assist new customers in the implementation of Cooperlink, whether at the technical level for on-premise installations, or for the functional implementation with business teams. Cooperlink's Customer Success and Operations team will walk you through this tailored process, according to your needs.

During this process, Cooperlink assigns you preferred points of contact to ensure quick and efficient set-up.

Assistance and portal for setting up new projects

Cooperlink has also developed a structured process to support you in setting up new projects. You are assisted by a dedicated Customer Success Manager that identifies your needs and translates them into an appropriate implementation, including:

  • Identification of project/users needs
  • The project creation request is sent via the portal to allow traceability and short response times
  • Once the project is set up, users are trained to the use of Cooperlink based on real cases. To do this, the trainer provides access to a "sandbox" allowing users to do the tests they want.
  • The trainer continues to follow the project closely for a period of 4 months.

User support

A Cooperlink employee can help your users directly at any time through various support channels:

  1. In-app instant messaging (chat)
  2. Portal with the possibility of create tickets
  3. Email
  4. Knowledge base

These tools allow you to be put in direct contact with our technical team. By using these tools, you are guaranteed to have a quick and personalized response. Through the chat channel, the user receives assistance from our team in less than 15 minutes on average.


The Cooperlink Academy, directly integrated into the application, allows users to have access to useful resources to help them use the web app.

  • Videos to learn how to use and setup
  • Reference documents
  • Testimonials
  • Miscellaneous articles and tips

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