Document indicators and meanings
  • 27 Feb 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Document indicators and meanings

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Article summary

This article applies to BOOST EMPOWER GUEST (free) licenses

Purpose and scope

This article details the indicators that you can find in your application

Space indicators

Access to all spaces
Project space (internal)

Indicators of linked elements

Number of versions
Number of linked workflows. Green badge: workflow in progress. Gray badge: closed workflows.
Number of linked tasks
Number of linked documents.
Nombre de documents liƩs.
Number of linked notes

Update indicators

The orange sprout informs you that this item was recently created
The gray leaf informs you that this item was recently updated

Folders indicators

The folder has been added to the workspace but has not yet been shared.
All documents in folder have been published and are up to date.
The folder contains unpublished or outdated items.
Sharing in progress. Detailed information available in the Job Manager.
Errors when sharing. Please check the outbox.
Folder not shared because access rights have not been defined.
Workspace-level folder name differs from its source name
The directory is not linked with a physical directory

Documents indicators

A document has been added to the workspace but has not yet been shared.
A document published in the past has been updated at source. It is necessary to share it to create a new version.
The document is published and up-to-date
Sharing in progress. Detailed information available in the Job Manager.
Errors when sharing. Please check the outbox.
New version received from a partner
An error has appeared. Please contact support at
The document cannot be shared because it is locked.
The code for this document is not unique.

Tasks indicators

Task type TASK
Task type TICKET
The circle around the profile picture indicates, in red, that the deadline has passed
In compact view, this red line indicates that the status of the task is TO DO
In compact view, this orange line indicates that the status of the task is IN PROGRESS
In compact view, this green line indicates that the status of the task is RESOLVED
In compact view, this green line indicates that the status of the task is CLOSED

Workflows indicators

The color indicators represented below are gray when they relate to a workflow whose version is obsolete.


Current status: Workflow in progress
Current status: Workflow stopped
Current status: Workflow closed successfully
Current status: Closed workflow failed
Workflow template (workflow design)
Current workflow step (step)


Start card (or slip in digital version)
Card awaiting response by my organization (editable)
Card awaiting response from a partner (not editable)
Card completed with a positive answer
Card completed with a negative answer
Card canceled

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