Regular Expressions - Basics and Common Syntaxes
  • 12 Nov 2022
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Regular Expressions - Basics and Common Syntaxes

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Article summary

Purpose of the article

This article specifies how to create a regular expression and it provides the most frequent syntaxes.

References and test

The website provides many resources and a powerful tool to analyze your regular expressions online.

Regular expression basics

A regular expression consists of symbols that specify the rules that apply to the extraction of information in a string.


The following symbols represent a character:

  • [a-c]: an alphabetic character between a and c, lowercase / [A-C]: an alphabetic character between A and C, uppercase
  • [a-zA-Z]: an alphabetic character between a and z, lowercase or uppercase
  • [0-5]: a number between 0 and 5
  • [^a-z]: the hat ^ is an inversion operator. This means that the character is anything but between a and z, lowercase
  • [-_]: either a dash or underscore character (underscore)
  • The dot represents any character


The following symbols specify the rules for repeating characters:

  • a*: the asterisk allows an unlimited number of repetitions of character a
  • a+: checks for the presence of one or more a characters
  • s? : checks for zero or one character a
  • (...)? : checks for the presence of no or one capture group
  • a{3} or a{3,3}: exactly three repetitions of character a
  • [a-zA-Z]{3,1}: three or more repetitions of characters between a and z, lowercase or uppercase.
  • [0-1]{3,6}: between three and six repetitions of a digit between 0 and 1


  • ^ : placed at the beginning of the expression, it indicates the beginning of the string. This means that it forces the expression to evaluate successfully from the first character.  
  • $ : placed at the end of the expression, it indicates the end of the string. This means that it forces the expression to evaluate successfully down to the last character.
  • (...) : parentheses are used to create an expression capture group
  • (?:...) : captures everything that is part of the group
  • (?<name>...) : Named expression capture group. In Cooperlink, the use of a field's key allows it to be identified with the field concerned. If the group refers to a field of type list of values, its capture must be one of the values encoded in Cooperlink to be successfully extracted. 


Filename with structure [code]-[title]-[revision]

Let's decode the following regular expression with the structure [CODE]-[TITLE]-[REVISION]: 


The character string is evaluated as follows:

  • It must start with DEMO
  • Then followed by a dash or underscore (underscore)
  • The following characters must be alphabetic, 2 in number, lowercase or uppercase. These 2 letters will be captured in group demo_en_document_status. Within Cooperlink, in case of a list of values, the 2-character code extracted must be one of the values encoded in the configuration of the field.
  • Then followed by a dash or underscore (underscore)
  • The following characters must be alphabetic, 2 in number, lowercase or uppercase (group demo_en_type). 
  • Then followed by a dash or underscore (underscore)
  • The following characters must be alphabetic, 4 in number, lowercase or uppercase (group demo_en_package). 
  • Then followed by a dash or underscore (underscore)
  • The following characters must be numeric, 3 in number (groupdemo_en_number)
  • Then followed by a dash
  • An indeterminate string is then captured in a titlegroup . The asterisk guarantees the positive evaluation of the expression until the last character following the presence of the $ character at the end of the string.
  • A single alphabetic character, lowercase or uppercase, is optionally present at the end of the string, and preceded by a dash or underscore. This is captured as a revision index in group demo_en_revision_number.

Excerpt from regex101

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