Terminology and matrix of access rights
  • 11 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Terminology and matrix of access rights

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Article summary

This article applies to BOOST EMPOWER licenses

Purpose of the article

This article details the terminology used within Cooperlink to distinguish the different types of access rights in a workspace.


Type of rightDescription
TraverseThe partner sees the directory but not its contents. He cannot table a document there. This must be used to cross a hierarchy.
Consult(*)The partner sees the directory and content of the host and the one they own. He does not see the content of other partners
WorkflowThe partner sees the directory and versions of documents linked to a workflow for which they are listed as a contributor.
SeeThe partner sees the directory and all its contents. He cannot file a document or edit it.
Write / EditThe partner sees the directory and all its contents. He can file documents and edit them.
Owner uniq.(*)The partner sees the directory and all its contents. He can file documents. It can edit and delete only the documents it owns.
DeleteThe partner sees the directory and all its contents. It can deposit documents, edit them and delete them.  

(*) foreseen


The matrix below illustrates the permitted and prohibited actions according to the rights applied:

See the directory

View host content (with appropriate access rights)

See versions of documents related to a workflow in which I am a contributor

View the contents of the folder

Add folders

Add/edit files and/or versions

Delete files I own

Delete files from other owners

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