User experience, projects and workspaces
  • 30 Nov 2021
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User experience, projects and workspaces

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Article summary

This article applies to BOOST EMPOWER GUEST (free) licenses

The Cooperlink app adheres to a set of usage codes regardless of the space or screen you are on. This article explains the basics of using Cooperlink.

Means of configuration

Cooperlink configuration is performed using the following tools:

  1. The navigation bar that allows you to create quick actions (e.g. creating a project or workspace)
  2. The application settings allow you to configure the general elements of the organization (users, connectors, templates, ...)
  3. The parameters of the spaces (project or workspace) allow you to configure the parameters or to select the models specific to these spaces
  4. Finally, the purpose of the project navigator is to configure the links between the data (via the project libraries) and the workspaces
Access to application settings requires an Administrator profile.
Access to the creation of spaces (project or work) and their settings requires a Project Manager or Administrator profile.

Please consult your IT referent for more information.

Projects vs workspaces

The distinction between project and workspace is for users with (internal) licenses only. Your guest partners have exclusive access to the workspace.
For licensees, given the link with your (internal) enterprise tools and to ensure the uniqueness of information in your organization,Cooperlink offers a three-tier structure:
  1. The site (or tenant) corresponds to your organization and includes all the project and work spaces
  2. The project space is a collaborative space dedicated to exclusively internal use
  3. The workspace is a shared collaborative space, part of a project

How to distinguish them?

To distinguish whether you are in a project or workspace, refer to the top bar.

  • The project is turquoise in color and corresponds to the second level of the site
  • Theworkspace is blue in color and corresponds to the third level of the site

Why make a distinction?

We've created these two concepts to make it easier for you to separate internal and external collaboration.

Their appearance at the visual level is similar but their operation differs. Here is a comparison grid:

CharacteristicsProject areaWorkspace
PurposePhysical space for internal collaborationVirtual space for external collaboration (with partners)
When to use it?For collaboration with your colleaguesFor collaboration with your partners
Available contentAggregates data from your tools for this project and data from child workspacesCurrent space data that has only been added from the project space by linking (mapping)
Documentary structureStructure defined by your organization (i.e. that of your tools)Common custom structure for external collaboration needs by linking (mapping)
Type of integration with your organization's toolsIn direct relationSynchronization mechanism with security storage
Version registrationBy your tools and not by CooperlinkCreation of versions with each sharing to the outside
Access rightsNo rights other than those set on your organization's toolsRights defined by directory and by partner

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