User terminology and general roles & permissions
  • 12 Nov 2022
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User terminology and general roles & permissions

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Article summary

This article applies to BOOST EMPOWER licenses

Purpose of the article

This article details the terminology used within Cooperlink to distinguish between different types of users.

User types 

User (internal)PersonThe user defines an internal collaborator who is assigned a Cooperlink DELIVER and/or BOOST license. A user is automatically connected to the company's tools through the connectors.
GroupPersonThe group brings together several users.
It assigns them a level of permission common to the whole. It is also used to simplify the addition of a group of people in projects (e.g. pole, department, ...).
PartnerEnterprisePartner defines a partner company with a Cooperlink GUEST (free), EMPOWER or BOOST license
For more information, see Collaboration schemes and use cases
ContactPersonThe contact defines the employee of a partner company.
It is the contact that will be the subject of an invitation within a workspace.
Business cardPerson or CompanyThe business card defines the contact details of a professional relationship. Contrarily to a contact, the business card cannot be invited in Cooperlink. It can, however, be used to create a new contact or partner.
System UserTechnicalThe system user is used by the connectors for all automatic operations. This user is not accessible and is transparent to end users.

General roles and permissions for users (internal)

There are 3 types of (internal) users:

User TypeApplies toDescription
Basic userUser, GroupBasic users have access to the app and spaces based on an invitation
Project ManagerUser, GroupProject managers have the same rights as a basic user + the ability to create new spaces
Site administratorUser, GroupThe site administrator has full access to the application configuration

To assign a user the role of manager and administrator, it is necessary to add this user in two groups with different rights.

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