Visitors portal (subcontractors, buyers, ...)
  • 07 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Visitors portal (subcontractors, buyers, ...)

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Article summary

Some project stakeholders do not necessarily require access to a full collaborative application. This is the case, for example, for consultations, price requests, the delivery of documents to subcontractors, or more simply the rapid sharing of documents.

Quick document sharing

Cooperlink has developed a quick sharing module based on the notion of message (transmittal) for partners who do not necessarily have a Cooperlink account (eg. subcontractors, clients, ...). Copy-paste email addresses directly from your Outlook email client, or from an excel list [1]. Write your custom message [2]. Document sharing is limited in time. You choose how long the files are made available [3].

Visitor portal and e-mail notification

Your visiting partner receives an email containing your personalized message, the expiration date and the list of linked documents. By clicking on the email, he accesses a simplified multilingual portal allowing him:

  • consult documents thanks to embedded viewers
  • download the documents
  • show interest. This last allows you to know which visitors you need to call back again.
  • respond to your possible request

Note: by default, your partners are notified about your quick shares from a generic e-mail address from Cooperlink. With the BOOST Emails option, your partners can be notified from your personal e-mail. This improves the deliverability of the e-mails, as well as the confidence of your partners about the message. See Integrated e-mails management for more information.

Manage portal and track messages

Cooperlink records the actions performed by the visitor. Indicators inform you:

  • If he has viewed your message and what documents he has downloaded
  • The visitor's mark of interest

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