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Principle, data ownership and autonomy
Cooperlink is a exchange network between companies. Communication is done via an innovative & proprietary messaging system (message broker, also called ESB - Enterprise Service Bus) that allows not only the exchange of messages, but also documents and structured information such as tasks, approval circuits, ...
A host company, having integrated its enterprise tools into the Cooperlink network, can invite its partners to secure workspaces. Collaboration thus becomes automated. It is no longer necessary to manually sort information exchanges, copy and move files, or encode the same information multiple times. Project collaborators can focus on their value-added tasks.
Cooperlink allows these companies to securely isolate the information to be shared, according to an information structure independent of the internal structure of the company.
Thanks to its operating principle, each company in the network,whether host or guest, has its own independent database. Like a postal network, Cooperlink routes information shared between different companies with end-to-end security.
Discover the operating principle of Cooperlink through an illustration

Where is my data stored?
Through its integration-by-design principle, Cooperlink ensures that your most critical data is stored in your tools! So you have full control over it.
For the data needed for communication, Cooperlink offers a hybrid installation. This means that it is available in cloud version or on-premise version, at the choice of the host company.
As standard, guest partner data is stored on the host installation. However, the partner's database remains isolated from other databases on the principle of multi-tenant database. The data is thus protected.
Cooperlink therefore offers you the possibility to retain exclusive ownership and host your data, as well as to integrate your own tools to automate the exchange of information*. Please contact us for more information.